
New books!

A new book titled "Tree" had us seeing a new animal as we turned each page. Emma enjoyed seeing the Owl in the middle of the tree.  The new books for our classroom arrived and were a huge hit. We took turns pressing the buttons to hear the various animals noises in our book "What Do You Say, Little Blue Truck?" All smiles on this beautiful, sunny day!  

Play time fun!

What silly friends on the climbing structure in our classroom! Playing peek- a- boo through this window is a fun game! Henry enjoying fill the tractor and truck up with wood chips! We love playing on the train outside! Our favorite game is pretending we are heading to the farm. We like to talk about all the animals we will see and what noises they make. Chug- a, chug-a, choo, choo! Buckets and wood chips are a lot of fun outside! Oh Ivy. What a sweet smile! Henry and Dalia pretending they are riding ponies outside!   

First week of school!

Impressive work Sammy! Identifying and writing numbers. Rocking her baby! What a great spot to view the train go by our school! Owen enjoying recess! "Peek-a-boo! I see you Mrs Crystal." Emma enjoyed cooking in the kitchen. Coloring during morning playtime! Bubbles at recess! How fun!