During December we worked on some winter crafts for our classroom. Friends helped color and glue to make ornaments and snowmen to display in our classroom!
We started talking about our Five Senses this week! So far we have enjoyed learning about our eye sight, and our hearing! 👀👂 We used instruments to HEAR different sounds that they make in our ears. To explore our eye sight we used colored blocks to see the different colors they make as we stacked two colors together. Chillin with a book with friends.. sounds like a good time to me!! Today we welcomed our new friend Halia! We have been so eager to have her in our class, our friends were all so kind and gave her a friendly welcome ❤️
Choo, Choo!! We love to watch the train go by while we are at recess. Dalia found some orange leaves from the tree! We know what that means.. Fall is here!! Mrs. Rachel taught us about different vehicles and what they are used for while we were stuck inside from the rain this morning. We sang, danced and counted along! Sammy and Ivy worked very hard building some awesome towers! We experimented looking through the different colored blocks to see how it changed objects in the classroom and outside!
Impressive work Sammy! Identifying and writing numbers. Rocking her baby! What a great spot to view the train go by our school! Owen enjoying recess! "Peek-a-boo! I see you Mrs Crystal." Emma enjoyed cooking in the kitchen. Coloring during morning playtime! Bubbles at recess! How fun!
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